
Camping Trailer Accessories to Enhance Your Adventure

Camping is a hobby requiring a lot of dedication. Therefore, it is not enough to buy an expensive RV and think that is all you need. Your RV has many features that will make your camping experience smooth. You need some trailer accessories to enhance your adventure. We will highlight some of these accessories based on their importance.


This category includes must-have items that every camper should have. You need these accessories to make your camping a pleasant experience. There are many of them, but here are some you should start with:

Surge Protector

Power surges are more common in campgrounds than you know. Unfortunately, when they happen, they mess up your power connections and ruin many electronics. Buy a surge protector before camping to protect your electrical appliances from this mishap.

Portable Toilet

Image Via: Cub Campers

A portable toilet is always good to have on your camper trailer. This does not take away from your camper’s toilet but makes it easier to manage. You can also buy a clear sewer connector to attach to your camper toilet to improve the overall hygiene of your camper.

Tool Kit

A tool kit will be handy when fixing a flat tire or broken drawer handle. You can get an already-made tool kit online or create one yourself. Essentials to include in your tool kit include wrenches, a hammer, a screwdriver, and a tape measure.

Water Filter

Many campgrounds have water for cleaning and bathing. They are not always drinkable or useful for cooking. You can drink bottled water, but this is not sustainable. The solution is to get a good water filter to make the water healthier.

Other essentials to consider include pest control,


Accessories on the comfort list are those you can do without but should not. In most instances, they influence how many activities you can engage in while camping. Here are some you should consider:

Portable Fire Pit

An excellent portable fire pit will give you lots of options in camp. First, you can sit around the fire and share memories with fellow campers. You can cook over it if you know how to handle the fire. If you can, you can save some cost on buying a portable grill.

Camping Chairs and Folding Tables

Get good camping chairs to enjoy when you are not exploring the campground. Those comfy chairs will provide good seating around campfires, at the beach, and inside your camper. Complete the set with a portable picnic table. You can use it for prepping food or doing some work at camp.

Heavy-duty Cooler

Your camper most likely comes with a fridge where you can store some food. Get a heavy-duty cooler to preserve your food and drinks. You can also keep more ice in the cooler.

Other accessories you can add for comfort include lanterns, a coffee maker, a hand-held vacuum, humidifiers, and more.

Camping trailers come with basic features to make camping easy. However, these features are not enough to make your camping experience luxurious. Enhance your adventure with these accessories that will make your camping memorable.

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