Friends & Other Blogs
Matt’s Respite – “This is my blog about travelling and other things that cross my mind. It might have a point, it might devolve into the broken meanderings of a cat reciting Vogon poetry.”
The Shades of Grey -” This site, The Shades of Grey, depicts the things I love and what I just learned to love. These are simply my several attempts, and still counting, of out of the blue notes, thoughts, insights, travels and my photographed pictures (via a point-and-shoot camera until its transition to DSLR) that I would love to paint a thousand words, figuratively. And, nevertheless, what I wanted to share with you. It’s not excellent though, but I’m loving the experience and embracing the passion for it.”
The Kiwi Blog Bus – “The Kiwi Blog Bus is written, photographed and compiled by Vicki Annison, a freelance writer and journalist based in Cambridge, New Zealand.”
There and Back Again – “Now that I work in the airline industry, much of my life practically revolves around travel, and I love it. These are the stories of where we have been and what we have seen. I hope that they will inform and inspire you!”
Heathers Harmony – “I can’t remember a time before I knew I loved to travel but I can remember in 2008 when I decided that I wanted my life to fit into traveling rather than fitting traveling into my life. Heathers Harmony is a travel blog written to keep myself sane while waiting for my expat life to begin in mid-2012 & to share the thrilling rollercoaster of traveling this big blue marble.”